Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Caprese Salad or Insalata Caprese

Stare into this image and tell me you don't want to be there right now. 
Even as heavily populated as this tiny portion of the island is it still emits a sweet calming glow.
If I close my eyes I can imagine taking in the view from this very spot while feeling the breeze coming off the shore as the sun rests and the moon starts it's rise into the sky. Oh gosh how I would love to sit right here and over look this amazing view with mi amore and a crisp glass of sweet white wine.
This my friends is the beautiful island of Capri, located just off the coast of Italy near Naples.
And "Caprese" refers to something that comes from or is in the style of Capri.

Tourists know the island mostly for its villas, grottos and jutting limestone towers. 

Culinarily speaking, it's best known for its namesake salad, the insalata caprese -- fresh tomatoes, basil and mozzarella. 

The name of the island comes from "capra", the Italian word for "goat". (In English, "caprine" refers to anything having to do with goats.) A real insalata caprese, though, is not made with goat's milk cheese, but with true Mozzarella di Bufala Campana -- buffalo's milk mozzarella made in certain designated areas of Italy -- Naples included. 

Sigh...Wow would I love to visit here. There is something so amazing about Italy. It calls my name often and one day... very soon I hope to dip my toes into the salty sea off her coast.
Until then I will dream and cook and dream some more.
If you would like to have a little taste of Capri along with me you certainly can.  
This salad is so easy to prepare, takes next to no time to put together and is so beautifully rich with color that it practically pops of the plate.  And did I mention the flavor?  
It will leave even the pickiest of pallets begging for more. 
{Trust me my hubby was so pleasantly surprised that he kept coming back for more.}

All you need is
Fresh Tomatoes, Basil, Mozzarella and Balsamic Glaze.
Combine however you wish and serve.


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